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Reduce body size of grease in a week by medicinal herbs

Reduce body size of grease in a week by medicinal herbs

Reduce body size of grease in a week by medicinal herbs  

  We offer you an experience of weight loss by medical scrubs

Reduce body size of grease in a week by medicinal herbs

Her weight gain and feeling of obesity caused her daily suffering and control over her until she lost confidence in herself .. The doors of most slimming and dieting experts knocked her weight so that she staggered between loss and increase, which affected her more negatively .. Until she dispensed with all the slimming drugs and medical drugs Which she described and turned to natural remedies and herbs, which brought with it an amazing result and helped her lose weight and even steadfastness.

Obesity treatment

I offer you the best 20 methods for treating obesity from the book of the medical encyclopedia "Your health and your treatment in your hands in the weeds" by Dr. Abdel Moneim Morsy and the presentation of Prof. Nabil Mohamed Specialist of Internal Medicine at Zagazig University Hospitals.

Spinach: eaten daily if possible cooked

2 - Okra: Eating it helps to lose weight

3- Green Spaghetti: eaten daily "with limit"

4- Broccoli: eaten boiled

5- celery: eat two heads every day "forbidden to pregnant women"

6 - Green pepper: eaten at least 3 times a day

7- A small cabbage: the heart is eaten boiled

8 - Option: Eat it useful in the treatment of obesity

9 - Jarjir: eat it useful for slimming

10 - parsley: eat it useful for the treatment of obesity and underweight

11 - Beets: helps to lose weight

12 - Apricot: useful for the treatment of obesity

13 - grapefruit: half a cup of juice every morning

Pears: Eat 3 kilos per week

15. Yousefi: Eat 10 fruits a day

16 - Pomegranate: Eat two fruits a day

Peach: Eat 4 fruits a day

18 - apple cider vinegar: morning cup before breakfast and an evening cup when sleeping

19. Grapes: Boil the grape leaves and drink a cup every two hours during the day only

20 - Water: Bathing with cold water activates the thyroid gland and removes obesity over the chest
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