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القائمة الرئيسية


The 15th session of the Tan Tan season from 14 to 19 June 2019

Welcome to the Kingdom of Morocco
The 15th session of the Tan Tan season from 14 to 19 June 2019

The honorable Kingdom of Morocco

Under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Muqar Foundation will organize the fifteenth edition of the Tan Tan season from June 14 to 19, under the theme: "The Tan Tan season ... the cradle of the world traveler culture".
The Mauritanian Islamic Republic will be the guest of honor of the fifteenth session, as the bilateral relations based on historic ties unite the Moroccan and Mauritanian peoples, as well as cultural and civilized similarities between the Kingdom of Morocco and Mauritania.
The program of this course, adds the same source, includes many rich and varied activities including heritage, sports, art, socio-economic, thematic tents, folkloric and camel races, intellectual seminars, And an exhibition of photographs dating to the Tan Tan season, as well as poetry sessions.
The report pointed out that the United Arab Emirates will participate in the activities of this session, through a pavilion supervised by the Committee for the management of festivals and cultural and heritage programs in Abu Dhabi, in cooperation with a number of institutions and official bodies concerned with the preservation of cultural heritage. The year 2005 was designated by UNESCO as "Masterpieces of the intangible oral heritage of humanity" and was recorded in 2008 as the representative list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.
The Tanatan season, according to the organizers, is a vivid witness to the preservation and promotion of immaterial heritage, a long tradition and a deep link to the kingdom's southern regions with its origins and customs, a vivid testimony to desert oral and artistic cultures and a space for creative diversity in development and development.
The Tanatan season is a historical heritage for the Sahrawis, bringing back some of the traditions and traditions of the nomads, and offering their guests another face of the desert, rich in cultural and cultural heritage. The season also presents a picture of the Sahrawi man who lives in the region of Rakhmat, an urban heritage that is now classified as a global heritage.


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